Monday, June 29, 2009

The final vinyl (CD)

It's here (almost).
The true, full-length version of Modest Mouse's latest studio album will be released Aug. 4 on CD and Aug. 17 on vinyl according to the fine folks over at
Have to say that after luke-warm initial impressions of the live versions, the alubum is shaping up to be/become an expansive rock statement.
As usual - you've got the somewhat quiet ones (Autumn Beds) which devolve into loud ones (again, Autumn Beds and Guilty Cocker Spaniels), among others.
In another positive move IMO, the band's corp. site has inserted what appears to be your own personal, iTunes style player that delves into the band's catalog as far back as Nasty Parlour Tricks (a truly great roadtrip album just like all the early records).
Currently I'm diggin' on "Baron Von Bullshit Rides Again" a snapshot of the band's live performance. If you don't own this album (or any live MM for that matter) it comes highly recommended. It's a much better purchase than The Moon & Antarctica's reissue (which contains only two live songs, w/bleeped lyrics).
I know Isaac wanted to remix and reissue the Moon with his own money and Sony eventually agreed to reissue the classic indie album, w/the addition of a few songs recorded during BBC radio sessions.
But again - not worth it. Go with the Baron.

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