Tuesday, May 6, 2008

In the beginning ...

It all started one sunset afternoon while sitting shotgun in Cory Gwin's Honda Civic with gold rims. The car was the color of the inside of an avacodo - with sparkles.
He had just returned from Atlanta where he had heard this new band called Modest Mouse.
"Sweet name," I thought to myself, immediately conjuring an image of Mighty Mouse.
Cory popped the burnt compact disc into his top-of-the-line Pioneer player - the type that featured the fold-down faceplate.
Little did I know that was a watershed moment in my life.
From the first song "3rd Planet" the lyrics had me mezmorized and the music had me spellbound. Never before had I heard such melancholic music ... especially none that had been so beautiful, boastful; so sad and yet uplifting simultaneously.
Seven years later I haven't been able to sake those first moments. I haven't been able to pry away the grip of Isaac Brock's youthful voice, his jangly, jaded guitar, Eric Judy's smooth bass and Jeremiah Green's outstanding, and funky high-hat work.
They made a fan out of me and many others. Perhaps, mainly for me own etification, I'm going to write a biography of the band - the biggest undertaking of my short career as a writer/journalist/et al.
This site will be dedicated to process of writing the book. As of yet, it has no working title, aside from "Working Title," doesn't have the approval of the band, its management or their friends, family, inumerable bands they've played with or the others whom I hope will help me weave this golden narrative.
It's gonna be a lot of hard work, take a lotta love and a lotta luck. But I've convinced myself I'm in it for the long haul.

Stay tuned.


pete said...

best of luck! what an exciting undertaking. i look forward to seeing it through.

Anonymous said...

gl. I've always thought the line, "three inch horse, watch them drown," would be a cool title (chapter, article or t-shirt) for something mm related. plus mm listeners would know the line before it.